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Cross validation rules in oracle Cloud

What is Cross validation (CVR) rules in Oracle Cloud

Let is first understand what is cross validation rules, then we will see how we configure cross validation rules in oracle cloud.

Before we start let's just understand what is cross validation (CVR) rule in oracle cloud.

What is cross validation (CVR) rules

Let us understand what is cross validation (CVR) rule in general. In day to day business scenario there are cases where we want to restrict certain combinations to be generated into to the system as those are not valid/legal combinations. In those cases we want to put some restrictions on the users so that whenever someone enter a transaction against those combinations system will throw an error. Cross validation rules (CVR) provide such facility in oracle cloud and using this we can achieve these business requirements.

NOTE : There are two very important parameters in cross validation (CVR) rule definition. Let us see how to define value in condition and validation filters.

Let's take an example 

Case 1 : 01 cost centre is valid with legal entity 01 
Case 2 : 01 legal entity is valid with 01 cost centre
The above two statements seems similar but are totally different and based on such statements the cross validation (CVR) rules definition may change

Case 1 - 01 cost center is valid with legal entity 01. 

Now whenever you enter a code, system will check the cost centre, if the cost centre is 01 system will put a validation that legal entity used must be 01 only. If there is any other legal entity used, system will throw an error message. Means if LE 01 is coming with 02 cost centre system will not put any validation and will pass the code. So here we saw that this cross validation rule will focus on cost centre. So cost centre will serve as condition for cross validation rule definition.

Case 2 - 01 legal entity is valid with 01 cost centre

Now whenever you enter a code, system will check the legal entity, if the legal entity is 01 system will put a validation that cost centre used must be 01 only. If there is any other cost centre used, system will throw an error message. Means if the LE 01 is coming with any other cost centre system will throw an error message. So here we saw that the cross validation rule focus is on legal entity so legal entity will serve as condition for cross validation rule definition.

How to define/configure cross validation (CVR) rule in oracle cloud

Below are the detailed steps on " how to define/configure cross validation (CVR) rules in oracle cloud".

Step 1 : Go to setup and maintenance and select "Manage Cross validation rules"

How to define cross validation rule CVR in oracle

How to define cross validation rule (CVR) in oracle cloud

Step 2 : Manage cross validation rules page will open up. Select the chart of account from the LOV and then click on the "+" Icon to create new rule.

How to define cross validation rule

How to define cross validation rule (CVR) in oracle cloud

Step 3 : Give any valid name in the name section and give a brief description of the cross validation (CVR) rule which you are defining. Enter the values in condition filter.

How to define cross validation rule in oracle cloud

Step 4 : Enter the values in the validation filter. Enter the error message which you want to display if any wrong combination is entered and violating this CVR. Also enable the cross validation rule and save and close.

How to define cross validation rule

How to define cross validation rule (CVR) in oracle cloud

Note : Once you have created any cross validation ( CVR ) rule in the system, system starts putting validation on all the new combinations and restricts all invalid combinations, but if there are combinations which are violating the cross validation rule you have created and are created in the system before you defined the CVR system will not put any restrictions on them. You still will be able to create those combinations. 

In order to restrict all the combination even though those are created before your CVR definition, you need to run an ESS job " Cross Validation Violation Rule ". This ESS job validates all the combinations which are created in system already and shows you the combinations which violates your cross validation CVR rule. It allows you to disable all those combinations hence restrict their creation in future as well.

what is cross validation rules in oracle cloud | Cross validation rules in oracle cloud | How to define/configure cross validation rules in oracle cloud

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