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Saturday 18 December 2021

What is Cross Validation Rule (CVR) in oracle cloud

What is Cross Validation Rule (CVR) In Oracle Cloud

What is cross validation rules (CVR) in oracle cloud general ledger

In this post we will see the concept cross validation rules (CVR) in oracle cloud general ledger.

What is Cross Validation rules (CVR)

Let us understand what is cross validation rule (CVR) in general. In day to day business scenario there are cases where we want to restrict certain combinations to be generated into to the system as those are not valid/legal combinations. In those cases we want to put some restrictions on the users so that whenever someone enter a transaction against those combinations system will throw an error. This functionality can be achieved via cross validation rules (CVR) in oracle cloud.

Let us understand cross validation rules (CVR) with an business example to make things clear

Lets say there is a organization HSRoracentre which has business in multiple countries, lets suppose in UK and US.

There are three segments in the chart of accounts i.e. Company , Account and Cost Centre

Company segment has following values 

01- HSRoracentre US
02 -HSRoracentre UK

Accounts segment has following values 

03-Revenue and so on

Cost Centre segment has following values 

01- Admin US
02- Admin UK 
03- IT global
04- HR global

Now there is case where the organization HSRoracentre wants that cost Centre Admin US is Valid with US Company and Admin UK is Valid with UK company. for example

Combination     01.02.01 - Is valid
                          01.02.02 - Is Invalid

Similarly           02.02.01 - Is invalid
                          02.02.02 - Is valid

How to achieve this type of security in system in oracle cloud

In order to achieve the above security in system we will have to configure the cross validation rules (CVR) in oracle cloud. These cross validation rules put restrictions on the users to enter any invalid combination by displaying an error message as well.

So with the above example we have seen how we can restrict certain invalid combination to be created into the system by configuring cross validation rules (CVR) in oracle cloud. The above case was just an example there can be more complex requirements and scenarios where this type of security can be placed via cross validation rules (CVR).

In our next post we will see how to configure cross validation rules (CVR) in oracle cloud in detail.

What is cross validation rules ||What is CVR|| Cross validation rules in oracle cloud

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